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Join our community dedicated to Digital Transformations !

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With Digital Business Transformation, one major challenge is to maintain a good level of understanding and skills about each of the technology and solutions that is available. Technology is evolving fast, and usually people deploy a limited scope of what they really have bought, not knowing it. It is complex to train everyone and get good return on investments for topics that take time to be adopted and deployed.

Self-education is recommended by all managers. Nevertheless, it takes time to seek for the right spot of information and verify that new stuff is not fake.

We invite you to join our community dedicated to Digital Transformation initiatives. We want that place to be open, respectful, allowing everyone to submit questions, to share experiences, to give opinions, to tell about digital transformation stories and more.

Time is a critical success factors for companies and employees entering Industry 4.0 area.

We think that federating a community dedicated to all aspects of this topic will complement the reading for analysts and vendors feedback.

We will publish studies and reports reserved to our members, in order to accelerate your own initiative, and will welcome suggestions.

Our goal is to propose a place to find answers to your questions, in an independent environment with a goodwill spirit

Our first study is available !

The purpose of this first study is to provide you with a consolidated view of why Digital Transformation initiatives are critical to companies. Also we explain the main business stakes and challenges faced by the market. 

Digital Business Transformation,  Understand business stakes and challenges


La révolution industrielle 4.0 est en marche. L'initiative de Transformation Numérique des Affaires, en est le pivot pour tous ceux qui s'y engagent. Cette étude vous présente le "POURQUOI" cette initiative est la plus importante pour toutes les entreprises. Également nous faisons la synthèse des principaux enjeux et défis auquels le marché fait face. 

Industry 4.0 revolution is in progress. Digital Transformation initiative is the pivot of success that everyone should embrace. This report will introduce you to the "WHY" that initiative is the most important to all companies. Also we are summarizing the main business stakes and challenges that the market already reported.

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